The idea of secret chiefs is in evolution. In some cases they have become more involved and more complex, with Secret Chiefs being obliged to develop ever more difficult rules.  In other cases they have become completely dumbed down to the point where their role is meaningless in comparison to other similar constructs such as holy guardian angels.
Very few groups believe in the construct of supermen living amongst us.  Part of the reason is that they do not seem to.  With today’s technology it is increasingly difficult for a physical plane secret chief to stay off the grid.  For example it was possible for RW Felkin to write with confidence that he had met Mathers; secret chief LeT and claim he was a doctor in Bruges. After all, who was going to check and how easy was it for them to do so.  
These days it is possible to confirm his existence (or lack thereof) with an internet search. In many ways NOT having an internet presence is an indication of not being a secret chief.   A Secret Chief’s role is to be the cutting edge of human development. There are no rooms for luddites in such a concept.  It is hard to see how anyone can participate in the world and not have something to do with technology.  So those who hint that their Secret Chiefs do not touch computers, and therefore cannot be found, are probably hinting that their physical masters do not exist, at least on the astral. 
 While I remain open minded to the idea, my August 5 deadline is rapidly coming to a close, and without evidence from physical secret chiefs I am obliged to dismiss them from my philosophy.
This does not mean that secret chiefs as a concept are wrong. It is just that I do not accept he current levels of thinking about them.  Theosophical models are far too eastern ideas of gurus, rely too much on concepts of Karma for them to be considered working able.
Dion Fortune’s ideas, while closer to something reasonable, were also crippled by autocratic ideas and a desire to be dominated by an Inner Plane being.  But what she did provide was a concept that everyone could have a Secret Chief and it would help train you to meet your Higher Self.
Modern magic, for better or worse, streamlines ideas into simple workable units.  There are flaws in this approach caused by people who do not know their arse from their elbow setting rules for others to follow.  However here is my crack at an idea.
The universe is manufactured by the one thing, in a bid to understand itself.  All things are aspects of that One Thing which is lost in the illusion of creation and believes it is separate.
Since they remember what it is like to be a One Thing, even in the deepest part of their souls they create aspects of it that they remember.  Most of these aspects end up as gods.  These forces gain a consciousness and a collective power from their worshipers and sit in the realms between the conscious and the unconscious mind and the divine. 
Humanity has continued naming and identifying the various forces in existence and attributing to them different aspects. 

A Secret Chief is like an occultist’s god.  It is a human who has become the embodiment of magic.  Like godforms, the secret chiefs are creations of the created.  They have the power and the wisdom given to them by their worshippers to teach and assist them through difficulties.  Like a God they sometimes have physical manifestations attached to them, but their central function is not to be obvious on the physical plane.  However unlike a godform, Secret Chiefs do not want sacrifices or churches.  They were created by magical minds who wanted information (which technically they would be getting by the one thing).  Secret chiefs are less likely to need worship (although some do).
Like some gods make intolerable demands on their worshippers, so to do Secret Chiefs and while occultists are more like to tell Diana or Thoth to sling their astral hook if they get a bit too demanding, they are less likely to do so with a Secret Chief, or contact, or Master.
The reason that secret chiefs are based on historical personalities is that because the seed form which builds them was a historical personality.  It is possible that the focus of the magician necromantically picks up a dead human shell to base their newly forming godform.  Most gods are based on elemental forces or abstract ideas.  This is not a bad thing, because it does give the Secret Chief godform an understanding of the human condition which is often lacking from godforms.
Fortune’s idea that you could not have an esoteric order without a contact (or secret chief) is interesting and could be explained if the chief’s really were godforms.  A god goes to where it is worshipped and a Secret Chief godform would hone in on an esoteric order.  Once installed it would act as a conduit between that order’s egregore and the One Thing.  It would also provide information to the order.  But it would also have an occultists “personality” which would flavour everything.
If this is true, it could explain why a secret chief needs a truly dedicated group to function and why some groups are better than others.  If a group was formed by person who wanted to bolster their ego, they would not attract a secret chief.  They might, on a good day, attract a parasite or demonic which would pretend to be one.   These anti-secret chiefs would encourage increasingly messianic behaviour to provide them with the negative energy to feed.  If a group attracted a demonic then it might even have access to esoteric information, although this would come at the price of burn-outs and other esoteric illnesses.  This would be rare, most groups would fail to attract anything useful at all and after the novelty wears off, the group will implode with a collective yawn.
If secret chiefs are yet another godform for the occult theurgist to use, then it means that Fortune was right and that everyone should be able to attract one.  Moreover they can form a personal relationship with one or more in their occult careers.  However occultists should be very careful not to let ANY godform stand in the way of them and their quest to find the one thing.  You should be particularly concerned if anyone tells you that their Secret Chief has a normal life somewhere else in the world.  Think how many godforms can do that.  
“Oh that Horus at number 23 plays his sistrum at all hours of the night…. and Thoth and Maat never put their rubbish out on the right day.”



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