Today, I received two magical stones made by the French Artist Asterion Sesthis. One is for Hekate-Isis, and the other is for Hermes. They are handmade, follow the rules found in PGM, and have a bit of a magical buzz before charging. He can be found on Facebook, and his work is highly recommended as they appear to be a labour of love rather than a money-making enterprise (I am stunned at the patience and skill which has gone into these).
Below are some of the PGM spells which could associated with them.
Isis Hekate
Lapis Lazuli with Isis-Hecate on one side, with the Sun to her left and the Moon to her right; on the reverse, the Polymorphic God, standing on an Ouroboros encircling seven stars.
Protection spell
Lapis Lazuli with Isis-Hecate on one side, with the Sun to her left and the Moon to her right; on the reverse, the Polymorphic God, standing on an Ouroboros encircling seven stars.
I call on you, Lady Isis-Hekate, whom Agathos Daimon permitted to rule in the entire black land.
Your name is LOU LOULOU (loo loo-loo)
BATHARTHAR (bah tah tah)
THARESIBATH (tha-re-si-bath)
ATHER-NEKLESICH (a-ther-ne-kle-sikh)
ATHER-NEBOUNI (a-ther-ne-boo-nee)
EICHOMO (ei-kho-mo)
CHOMOTHI (kho-mo-thee)
Isis-Hekate, Bubastis,
(eh-oo-reh-lee-baht kha-mah-ree neh-boo-tohs oo-eh-ree eye-eh eh-oh-ah oh-eye)
Protect me, great and marvellous names of the god as I [state intention]; for I am the one established in Pelusium,
(ser-FOOTH moo-IS-roh STROM-moh mo-LOTH mo-LON-ter pohn toht)
Protect me, great and marvellous names of the great goddess as I [state intention].
“ASAO EIO NISAOTH. Lady Isis-Hekate, Nemesis, Adrasteia, many-named, many-formed, glorify me, as I have glorified the name of your son Horus as I [state intention].”
Hermes and Hermanubis
Amethyst features Hermes on one side and Hermanubis on the reverse, which are gilded with gold.
Invocation to Hermes
(based very loosely on PGM VII.668–680)
Hermes, Lord of the World, who resides within our hearts.
The embodiment of the Moon’s orbit, you are circular and square,
You reflect the union of heavenly perfection and earthly order.
You are an intermediary between the divine and the terrestrial realms,
You unite the infinite and the finite, the celestial and the earthly.
The originator of articulate speech, you are the advocate of justice.
You are the master of fire, of air, of water and earth.
Cloaked in a mantle, with winged sandals, you traverse the airy paths beneath the earth’s depths while holding the spirits of the dead.
Eye of Helios, mighty one, Who, with your divine lamps, bring joy to those below, To mortals who have completed their earthly journey.
You are Moirai’s thread and the Divine Dream.
You send forth oracles daily and night; You heal all mortal pains with your caring touch.
Come here, blessed one, mighty son Of the goddess who bestows full mental powers.
In your gracious form, appear to me, a devout supplicant, and impart your prophetic and magical skills.
Grant me, NN, the ability to comprehend your wondrous deeds. I beseech you, lord, be kind to me and, without deception, manifest and prophesy to me.
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