The cypher documents did not mention anything specific to be placed on the black and white […]
Medieval geomancers used to make a big deal about the elemental attributions of the lines of […]
Sheshat is an important Egyptian goddess from a magical perspective. Sometimes seen as Thoth’s wife, she […]
Doing a geomancy reading takes time, and before you even start, it is wise to have […]
What follows is an ancient theurgic visualisation method devised by the neo-platonic philosopher Plotinus. I have […]
While being the touchstone for Western Mystery Tradition magic, the Golden Dawn system has been largely […]
In the 1970s, the occult writer Francis King (10 January 1934 – 8 November 1994) hit […]
By G.H. Frater Finem Respice May18, 1911. This is an article written by Felkin which has […]
This ritual uses a nature spirit as an astral guardian to guard and protect a home. […]
The late 20th and early 21st century saw a progressive silencing of experienced occult writers. Significant […]