In Christopher Cattan’s Geomancy book, he used the ideas of aspects to strengthen and flavour the power of Querent’s figure. He would look at the 9th and fifth house for a trine. The 10th and fourth house for squares and the third and 11th for a sextile. The seventh house is an opposition.
The opposition always shows the querent’s problems in obtaining the question. If the question is about relationships, it is ignored.
It is ignored if the figure in any of these houses is terrible for the question.
However, if it is a good or mixed figure, it strengthens the Querent by providing its nature. Even if the querent’s figure is bad, any aspect’s positive nature can improve it.
There are slight differences for each of the figures.
- The trine is always very positive
- The sextile and the square are positive
For example, in this romantic future reading, the querant is Acquistio, and the sextile is Fortuna Major and Albus (making the reading very positive). One square (in the tenth house) is Cauda, which is ignored. The other square (in the fourth house) is Albus which is positive. The sextiles are both fortuna minor and are, therefore positive.
This would mean: Querent — Acquisitio (Gain): This figure signifies acquisition and gain, suggesting that the querent is focused on growth and enrichment in the relationship. It indicates a desire for deepening the bond and achieving mutual benefits.
Sextile — Fortuna Major and Albus: The sextile aspect between these figures is highly favorable.
- Fortuna Major (Greater Fortune): Represents enduring success and stability. In a romantic context, it suggests a strong, resilient relationship with the potential for lasting happiness.
- Albus (White) symbolises purity, wisdom, and clarity. It indicates a harmonious and sincere connection in which open communication and mutual understanding prevail.
The combination of these figures in sextile suggests that the relationship is built on a solid foundation, characterized by both emotional depth and intellectual harmony.
- 10th House — Cauda Draconis (Tail of the Dragon): Traditionally, Cauda Draconis is considered unfavorable, representing endings or significant changes. However, its influence in the 10th House (pertaining to career and public life) may not directly impact the romantic aspect, especially if it’s being set aside in this reading.
- 4th House — Albus (White): The presence of Albus in the 4th House, which relates to home and family, is positive. It suggests a peaceful and nurturing domestic environment, fostering a sense of security and comfort within the relationship.
Sextiles — Fortuna Minor: Fortuna Minor represents temporary or lesser fortune. While positive, some relationship aspects may experience short-term challenges or fluctuations. However, these are likely minor and manageable, not affecting the overall stability.
Overall Interpretation: The geomantic figures point towards a promising and enriching romantic future for the couple over the next year. The relationship is poised for growth, supported by strong communication and a harmonious home life. While minor challenges may arise, they are unlikely to disrupt the overall positive trajectory of the partnership.
In modern geomancy, there is an atrocity called “perfection,” which means that the figures must move for the chart to give an accurate reading. Over the years, I have dismissed this because it does not work, and I have abandoned perfectly good readings. However, the movements of figures are essential (particularly in some readings) and provide information on how events come to pass. They are less important in readings where you are asking questions about a current situation, such as “What is my boss thinking about me now.”
Occupation is when the querent’s figure moves to the house of the quested. It is always positive, even if the figures are bad. It means that whatever is driving the querent is bought about without effort or is positively mirrored in the people or events the questions are about. In this chart, there is an occupation between the querent who is acquisitio and the quested who is the same figure. This information is added to all the aspects we looked at before. Cattan says that an occupation means that the result will happen whatever else you see in the chart. So this means that you could ignore the court or sentence if it was negative.
This would mean that the occupation of Acquisitio in both the 1st and 7th Houses reinforces the interpretation of a mutually beneficial and harmonious relationship of the aspects. It suggests that both partners are aligned in their goals and desires, leading to a fulfilling and prosperous romantic future over the coming year.
True Conjunction
A conjunction is when either the querent or the quested moves to form a *company* with the other. This means that the querent’s figure must move to the eighth house in a relationship reading (or the quested must move to the second house). This is a positive configuration but requires some form of action to be taken. If the querent does the moving, then it is them who must take action. If it is the quested, it is something it must do to bring the question about. However, the result will happen.
Occult conjunction
An occult conjunction is when the querent or quested moves next to their partners but does not make a company. This would be the case if the querent in a relationship reading moves to the sixth house or if the quested moves to the 12th. This is still positive but indicates potential only. In one question about whether someone was thinking about another, an occult conjunction happened between the seventh and the 12th. This could mean that the person may do it in the future, but it has not been decided yet or that they are and the querent would not know. In such cases, the results are likely to happen.
Mutation is when the querent and quested move next to each other somewhere in the chart. This means that the results will happen positively, but outside the querent and quested’s normal sphere of operations. Traditionally, this place is supposed to be where the mutation is found (if a querent moved to the third and the quested moved to the fourth, it should indicate the results happen near one of their homes). While this was true in some of my readings, the only thing consistent was that the mutation was NOT in the querent or quested’s immediate scenario.
Translations are one of the weakest aspects in a reading and sometimes can be ignored. In theory, it is when another figure, which is in the second house, moves in front of the quested. This means that the result of the reading will happen through a third party or force whose nature is found in the translating figure.
Some geomancy software allows a translation to be recorded when the figure is behind the querant and quested. In my experience, this is incorrect as it would be too weak and would not be noticed by anyone.
e Abano of Padua (The figure’s dignity doubles its power, for good or bad. This is based on houses and the planetary meanings of the figures, so if Conjunctio: Ijtimāʿ (اجتماع) (Mercury) is in the first house, it is exalted and therefore doubly strong.
Via: Al-Tarīq (الطريق) – “The Path” exalted in the third house
Populus: Jamāʕa (جماعة) – “The Gathering” exalted in the third house
Fortuna Major: Nusrat al-Dakhīl (نُصْرَةُ الدَّخِيل) – “Supporting the Outsider” exalted in the ninth house
Fortuna Minor: Nuṣraht al-kharij (نُصْرَةُ الخارج), which translates to “Outward Victory” or “Support of the Outsider.”exalted in the ninth house
Tristitia: Al-Ḍhilla (الظلة) – “The Shade” or “Shelter” exalted in the 12th house.
Laetitia: Al-Bashāʾir (البشائر) or Al-Surūr (السرور) – “Good Tidings” or “Joy”exalted in the 11th house
Puer: Fariḥ (فَرِح) – “Joyful” exalted in the sixth house
Puella: Al-Ṣabiyy (الصبي) – “The Young Girl” exalted in the fifth house
Albus: Bayāḍ (بياض) – “Whiteness” exalted in the first house
Rubeus: Ḥumrah (حُمْرَة) – “Redness” exalted in the sixth.
Carcer: ʿUqlah (عُقْلَة) – “Knots” or “Fastenings” exhalted in the 12th
Conjunctio: Ijtimāʿ (اجتماع) – “Gathering” or “Meeting” exalted in the first
Amissio: Qubid al-Khārij (قبض الخارج) – “Constriction of the External” exalted in the 12th
Acquisitio: Qubid al-Dakhil (قبض الداخل) – “Constriction of the Internal” exalted in the 11th.
Caput Draconis: Raʾs al-Tinnīn (رأس التنين) – “The Dragon’s Head” is never exalted.
Cauda Draconis: Dhanab al-Tinnīn (ذنب التنين) – “The Dragon’s Tail” is never exalted.
Unlike astrology early geomancy did not consider a figure being in detriment or fall.
Arabic example
My series on the Arabic meanings of the Geomantic figures means we get slightly different meanings from all this.
For those who came in late, in my book Stars and Stones, I listed the Medieval Arabic names but didn’t explain their meanings. I was more focused on highlighting the work of Christopher Cattan, a Medieval geomancer who was more interested in astrological and elemental attributions. As I pointed out here, Cattan, like many other European geomancers, might have been hamstrung by literal translations from the original Arabic.
Look at the above chart.
1. Moving figures
In this reading, Qubid al-Khārij appears in both the 1st (querent) and 7th (quested/partner) houses, which means that both you and your partner are represented by the same geomantic figure. This is significant because:
In geomancy, when the same figure appears in both the 1st house (the querent) and the 7th house (the quested/partner), this generally signifies that both parties are deeply connected and experiencing the same energies, emotions, and challenges.
Since the figure in question is Qubid al-Khārij (“That Which is Taken Outward”), this means that:
- Both you and your partner are undergoing external influences that are shaping your relationship.
- Your personal experiences and your partner’s mirror each other, meaning you’re both affected by similar forces, whether that’s career stress, family obligations, distance, or personal growth.
- Because you both share this figure, there isn’t an imbalance—both of you are “in the same boat.”
How Can This Be Interpreted Positively?
Despite Qubid al-Khārij often being associated with constraints or external pressures, its appearance in both houses can be a positive sign if interpreted in the right context:
1. Shared Growth & Understanding
- Since you and your partner are experiencing the same energies, this means that you truly understand each other’s struggles.
- If the relationship is strong, this suggests that you are moving in sync, meaning changes that affect one person also make sense for the other.
- Instead of one person outgrowing the relationship, both of you are evolving together.
2. Strong Bond Through External Challenges
- Instead of being divided by outside forces, you and your partner may unite against a common challenge (such as a job change, relocation, family matters, etc.).
- This can indicate a “we’re in this together” dynamic, strengthening trust and emotional support.
3. Mutual Desire for Change & Progress
- Qubid al-Khārij is an active figure—it signifies movement, shifts, and decisions.
- Since both of you embody this energy, you are both open to transformation.
- This could mean:
- Moving forward into a deeper commitment (engagement, moving in together, marriage).
- Traveling together, starting a new chapter in your relationship.
- If the relationship was previously stagnant, this means both of you are ready for something new.
4. No Power Imbalance – Equal Contribution
- If one partner had a figure of strength and the other a figure of weakness, it could suggest an unequal dynamic where one person is driving the relationship while the other resists.
- But here, both partners are facing the same external influences, which suggests an equal contribution.
- You’re both equally responsible for what happens next—this is a partnership, not a one-sided effort.
This sets the tone for the entire reading: the relationship is at a crossroads, influenced by external factors rather than purely internal emotions. However since this is an occupation this is good.
2. The Court (The Overall Storyline of the Relationship Over the Next Year)
Left Witness: Nusrat al-Dakhīl (“Inward Victory” / Fortuna Major)
- Represents internal success, stability, and strong foundations.
- In a romantic context, this indicates that there is a strong bond and deep emotional connection.
- This suggests that the relationship has potential to succeed, but the success depends on internal resilience.
Right Witness: Nusrat al-Khārij (“Outward Victory” / Fortuna Minor)
- Represents moderate external success, but fading fortunes.
- In love, this means that while things may be going well now, there could be a decline or change over time.
- It can indicate that one or both partners may feel things are not as fulfilling as they once were.
Judge: Tariq (“The One Who Knocks at the Door”)
- Tariq is a figure of movement, transition, and new beginnings.
- It suggests a major change coming in the relationship, such as:
- Moving in together
- A proposal or formal commitment
- A breakup or redefining the relationship
- Since the Judge agrees with the querent (you), this suggests that the outcome will be in alignment with what you truly want, even if it isn’t what you expect.
3. Fourth House (How the Story Ends): Bayāḍ / Via (“The Road”)
- Bayāḍ (Via) represents travel, journeys, and transitions.
- This is another strong indicator that the relationship will change form in some way—it will not stay as it currently is.
- The direction of this change depends on how you and your partner handle the transitions.
Summary So Far:
- Strong emotional foundation (Nusrat al-Dakhīl), but some external fading (Nusrat al-Khārij).
- Change is inevitable (Tariq as Judge, Bayāḍ in the 4th house).
- The relationship is moving forward—but the destination is unclear.
4. Aspects and Their Influence on the Relationship
Sextile: Nusrat al-Dakhīl (Inward Victory) & Bayāḍ (Via, The Road)
Favorable influence:
- Internal emotional strength supports the transition.
- This means that if both partners are willing to adapt and grow together, the relationship can become stronger.
- It suggests opportunities for deepening the connection through shared experiences, travel, or mutual growth.
Square: Tariq (Judge) & Bayāḍ (Via, The Road)
Challenging influence:
- The transition will not be smooth or easy.
- There may be conflicts, delays, or obstacles in moving forward.
- This could manifest as:
- One partner being more ready than the other.
- Logistical problems (distance, family, career).
- Emotional resistance to change.
Trine: Nusrat al-Khārij (Outward Victory) & Farih (Laetitia / Joy)
Harmonious influence:
- Happiness is possible, but it may come after struggle.
- The relationship will have joyful moments, celebrations, or milestones—but these may be bittersweet or come at a cost.
- If the relationship survives the transition, it will lead to a more joyful and fulfilling connection.
5. Final Sentence: “Qubid al-Khārij”
This phrase can be understood as “That Which is Taken Outward” or “The Seizure from Outside.” This strongly suggests:
- External factors are driving the relationship’s future.
- The couple may not be entirely in control of their destiny together—outside pressures could shape events.
- This could mean career changes, family obligations, distance, or even external romantic interests.
6. Final Interpretation: What Will Happen in Your Romantic Relationship Over the Next Year?
- There is strong potential for success (Nusrat al-Dakhīl).
- However, the relationship is already beginning to decline or change externally (Nusrat al-Khārij).
- A major transition is coming (Tariq as Judge, Bayāḍ in the 4th House).
- If handled well, this could lead to a stronger bond—but if not, it could lead to separation.
- Happiness is achievable (trine between Nusrat al-Khārij and Farih), but it requires navigating challenges (square between Tariq and Bayāḍ).
Possible Outcomes (Depending on How You Handle the Transition):
- If both partners adapt together → The relationship will evolve into a deeper commitment.
- If external pressures are too strong → The relationship may end due to external circumstances.
- If one partner resists change while the other moves forward → The relationship could become distant or imbalanced.
Final Advice: What Should You Do?
- Communicate with your partner openly about future plans, commitments, and expectations.
- Recognize external pressures (career, family, location) and how they impact the relationship.
- Be willing to embrace change rather than resist it.
- Trust that the final outcome aligns with your true desires, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.
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