I am Graham Hancock’s Author of the Month this month and have written him an article about Whare Ra to promote my latest book Beyond the Sun. The article is the story of how a Golden Dawn order took over a small New Zealand town. I will be also around to answer any questions on Graham Hancock’s forums.
From the blurb Beyond the Sun is both a fascinating history of the last Golden Dawn order as well as an exploration of its various pathways, teachings and rituals. Farrell, in close proximity to the various remnants of the order, illuminates both its formation and survival with various offshoots. The book contains the formerly unpublished ‘Inner Order’ teachings of the missing order of the Golden Dawn, which came to be known Whare Ra. Whare Ra managed to keep secret and above all keep running long after the other Golden Dawn magical orders had given up the ghost. Closing in the late 1970s, the Order was founded by Dr Robert Felkin 100 years ago. From its base in New Zealand, Whare Ra became a secret forefront of occult teaching.
After relaying its history, Farrell then presents the Second Order Rituals of the Order including the 6=5 and 7=4 in their complete and unedited state as well as the 6=5 training papers and lectures. Each ritual is then accompanied by various commentaries of their practitioners, including the 6=5 experiences of the poet WB Yeats and other adepts who went through the various initiations. It also contains numerous magical exercises inspired by the Whare Ra material.
Click on the link to go to Graham’s site.
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