When looking at the original Arabic word for Populus jamāʕa (جماعة) we end up with some additional useful meanings which might have been left on the cutting room floor when Geomancy arrived in Europe,
While my book Stars and Stones referenced the Arabic names for various geomantic figures, I am beginning to appreciate just how crucial their meanings truly are. When geomancy was introduced to the West, it was often through the interpretations of Christian translators who found Arabic a challenge. In cases where a word proved difficult to translate, they frequently opted for a “literal meaning.” While this approach can be helpful, it also introduces certain complications.
For example, when I examined Via yesterday, I noted that while the figure can signify travel and a path, its spiritual meanings are far more significant. This understanding does not contradict what I have previously written about Populus, but instead deepens its metaphorical significance.
During the early Middle Ages, the Arabic term jamāʕa (جماعة) carried profound social and religious connotations. It primarily referred to a community or group bound by a shared purpose or identity, often within an Islamic context. This could encompass a congregation of Muslims gathering for prayer or a political collective led by an Imam or Caliph. The essence of jamāʕa lies in unity, collective identity, and the fundamental role of communal responsibilities in early Islamic society.
If applied to an individual, jamāʕa might suggest that they embody the responsibilities of a community leader or serve as a unifying force. Such a person would act as a guide, bringing people together much like a congregation or structured society. The Imam, for instance, was a spiritual leader responsible for guiding prayer, interpreting religious teachings, and fostering unity among the faithful. Within the context of jamāʕa, the Imam held a moral and authoritative role, ensuring the ethical and religious integrity of the community. Their advice was often sought in matters of law and personal conduct.
When considering jamāʕa within the framework of relationships, the emphasis shifts to unity, cooperation, and collective effort. Given that Populus reflects other geomantic figures, this suggests that compromise is often necessary to maintain harmony.
At first glance, Via and Populus seem like an unlikely pair of opposites. However, when examined through their Arabic meanings—Tariq (طارق) and jamāʕa (جماعة)—an interesting duality emerges:
- Individual vs. Collective: Jamāʕa represents a collective, whereas Tariq signifies an individual, particularly a lone traveller arriving at night or a solitary celestial body. This contrast highlights the tension between collective identity and personal autonomy.
- Guidance vs. Unity: Tariq is associated with illumination, hope, and singular guidance, whereas jamāʕa signifies cooperation, social cohesion, and strength in numbers. The lone star (Tariq) could be interpreted as a guiding force for the collective (jamāʕa).
- Action vs. Stability: Tariq implies movement, an arrival that brings change or news. In contrast, jamāʕa suggests continuity and stability within a structured community.
- Spiritual vs. Human Guidance: If Tariq represents spiritual enlightenment, jamāʕa embodies human leadership and guidance.
The association of jamāʕa with collective decision-making makes its role as a Judge in geomantic readings particularly intriguing. Since a Populus Judge always mirrors the Witnesses, it implies that the outcome of a reading will be shaped by social consensus or external influences. In cases where jamāʕa is a Judge, the result depends on communal processes—this can be beneficial or problematic, depending on the Witnesses. If the question concerns love, and both the right and left Witnesses are Puella (a positive sign for relationships), then a Populus Judge suggests the desired outcome will only materialise once social unification occurs.
Interestingly, earlier interpretations of geomancy considered Via and Populus favourable for marriage, albeit for different reasons. Populus represented a marriage grounded in social stability, while Via signified a union rooted in spiritual fulfilment. In the Middle Ages, a stable marriage was often valued over a purely romantic or fluid relationship.
Other meanings “al-salāma” (السلامة) peace and safety
Abu al-Qasim ibn Mahfuz al-Baghdadi was a 13th-century scholar known for his contributions to Islamic geomancy and astronomy. In 1285, he completed a significant astronomical table, or zij, which has been referenced in studies of lunar theories. His work in geomancy, a form of divination involving the interpretation of markings on the ground or patterns formed by tossed soil, has been noted in historical analyses of Islamic divinatory practices.
He said that this figure means “al-salāma” (السلامة) which is is derived from the root “S-L-M” (س-ل-م), which encompasses meanings related to peace, safety, and well-being. The noun “salāma” specifically translates to “safety” or “security.” This concept was integral to various aspects of daily life and language during that period.
Ma’a al-salāma (مع السلامة): Literally meaning “with safety,” this phrase was used as a farewell, equivalent to “goodbye,” conveying a wish for the person’s safe journey or well-being. Alhamdulillah ‘ala al-salāma (الحمد لله على السلامة): Meaning “praise be to God for your safety,” this expression was commonly used to greet someone returning from a journey or recovering from illness, expressing relief and gratitude for their safe return. The root “S-L-M” also forms the basis of one of the 99 names of Allah, “As-Salām” (السلام), meaning “The Source of Peace.” This name reflects the divine attribute of granting peace and safety to all creation.
Generally, if Populus associated with “safety” or “well-being” appears in a reading, it could be interpreted as follows:
- Health: A positive indication of good health or recovery from illness.
- Business: Stability and security in business ventures, with minimal risks.
- Magic: Protection from negative influences or successful outcomes in protective rituals.
- Study: A conducive environment for learning, leading to successful outcomes.
- Relationships: Harmonious and secure relationships with trust and mutual support.
Health: An emphasis on safety could lead to excessive caution, potentially resulting in missed opportunities for beneficial treatments or interventions. Overprotectiveness might also cause stress or anxiety.
Business: Prioritizing safety might translate to risk aversion, which could hinder growth or innovation. This conservative approach could lead to stagnation or missed lucrative opportunities.
Magic: A focus on protective measures might indicate a defensive stance, possibly suggesting vulnerability to external influences or a lack of confidence in one’s abilities.
Study: While a safe and stable environment is conducive to learning, an overemphasis on comfort might lead to complacency, reducing motivation to explore challenging or diverse subjects.
Relationships: While safety and security are foundational, an excessive focus on these aspects might result in possessiveness or fear of change, potentially stifling growth and spontaneity within the relationship.
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