Following up on this blog I want to explain what I was taught about energy projection […]
The cypher documents did not mention anything specific to be placed on the black and white […]
By G.H. Frater Finem Respice May18, 1911. This is an article written by Felkin which has […]
The Golden Dawn has a reputation for doing long-winded rituals and forcing practitioners to do lots […]
While people bang on endlessly about the elemental tools, and the god-awful lotus wand, one very […]
How long should you be in an esoteric order before you are capable of actually doing […]
Having started my occult path before the arrival of the internet I am “old school” and […]
Every elder thinks that the younger generations fails to respect them. As I am fast reaching […]
Perigrin Wildoak has unleashed another storm by daring to suggest that the Golden Dawn was supposed […]
The 20th and 21st century has been marked by a rise in religious fundamentalism. It is […]