My series on the Arabic meanings of the Geomantic figures continues with Cauda and Caput Draconis. I already had a look at these two figures in this blog suggesting that the might have something more to do with material and spiritual views, but in this case I am looking at them in terms of their Arabic meanings.
In my book Stars and Stones, I listed the Medieval Arabic names but didn’t explain their meanings. I was more focused on highlighting the work of Christopher Cattan, a Medieval geomancer who was more interested in astrological and elemental attributions. As I pointed out here, Cattan, like many other European geomancers, might have been hamstrung by literal translations from the original Arabic. Sometimes, the Arabic words might differ depending on the manuscript.
Cauda Draconis ʿAtaba Khārija (عَتَبَة خَارِجَة) external step
In a medieval Arabic context, the phrase ʿAtaba Khārija (عَتَبَة خَارِجَة) could be understood in different ways depending on the setting. In a literal sense, ʿataba (عَتَبَة) means “threshold” or “doorstep,” while khārija (خَارِجَة) means “external” or “outside.” Together, it could refer to an outer threshold—the step or entranceway outside a building, palace, or mosque.
Used figuratively, it might suggest stepping outside (physically or metaphorically), possibly symbolising exile, departure, or transition. This could apply in a poetic or mystical sense, referring to someone leaving their familiar space or stepping into the unknown.
In a medieval Islamic urban context, “ʿataba khārija” could imply being outside the boundaries of a place of protection (such as a house, sanctuary, or even the city itself). If someone was said to be on the “ʿataba khārija,” it might mean they were cast out, excluded, or had lost their place in society.
If someone in a romantic or familial relationship is described as being on the ʿataba khārija, it could imply that they have been pushed away, excluded, or cast out—either emotionally or physically. It might indicate falling out of favour, being banished from the heart, or even experiencing estrangement after an argument or betrayal.
Since ʿataba refers to a threshold, and khārija means “outside,” it could also symbolise someone waiting at the door, possibly after a fight, hoping to be let back in. In medieval Arabic poetry and love stories, lovers often stood outside their beloved’s door as a sign of longing and regret. So, this phrase might suggest a plea for forgiveness or a moment of hesitation before being welcomed back into the relationship.
In some cases, the phrase could signify a final break, meaning that someone has metaphorically stepped beyond the threshold of the relationship, signifying departure or the end of love and connection. If someone is on the ʿataba khārija, it might imply that they are already on their way out, emotionally detached, or about to leave for good.
If spoken dramatically or poetically, it could mean a person has been put in a position where they must prove their love or devotion. They might be waiting outside, proving their patience and sincerity, as was common in medieval love traditions where suitors had to endure hardships to win back favour.
Generally, this is not a good figure, and if you look at it visually, you can see why. A person has left whatever is known or even a good idea and is standing on the first step of a new beginning. It is the ending before a new beginning.
However, if you consider the idea of the step being leaving a temple or mosque, you return to my idea of stepping into the world of illusion or materiality.
Geomancy meaning
Business and Wealth
Good Meaning: A new opportunity—stepping into a new growth phase, expanding, discovering new markets, leaving old failures behind, and entering prosperity.
Bad Meaning: Being shut out of success—missed opportunities, financial exclusion, a business deal falling through, or being pushed out of an enterprise.
Advice: If the sign is good, take bold steps into new ventures and be open to external opportunities. If bad, reassess your business position—you may need to renegotiate, improve your standing, or avoid risky investments.
Study and Knowledge
Good Meaning: Breaking new ground in learning, stepping beyond ignorance, and moving forward in one’s intellectual journey.
Bad Meaning: Being locked out of knowledge, struggling to understand something, failing a test, or being denied access to education.
Advice: If good, pursue knowledge without fear—new insights await you. If bad, seek a new teacher, change your approach, or strengthen your foundation before moving forward.
Happiness and Well being
Good Meaning: Leaving sorrow behind, stepping out of darkness into light, emotional renewal, recovery from hardship.
Bad Meaning: Being on the outside of joy, feeling disconnected from happiness, being in exile from fulfilment.
Advice: If positive, embrace change and let go of what holds you back. If negative, reconnect with what brings you happiness—perhaps you are blocking yourself from joy.
Romance and Love
Good Meaning: A new beginning in love, an invitation to a deeper connection, reconciliation after a fight.
Bad Meaning: Rejection, abandonment, or emotional distance—one person may be “outside” of the other’s heart.
Advice: If the situation is positive, move forward in love with confidence. If it is negative, you may need to either fight for love or accept that you are being left behind.
Magic and Spells
Good Meaning: A threshold to new magical power, stepping into the mystical unknown, a gateway to wisdom.
Bad Meaning: A warning of magical banishment or spiritual exile, being shut out of hidden knowledge or divine favour.
Advice: If positive, perform rituals of transition or initiation. If negative, you may need purification, protection, or a mentor to guide you back inside the circle of magic.
Politics and Power
Good Meaning: Gaining entry to influence, stepping into leadership, being welcomed into power circles.
Bad Meaning: Political exile, power loss, and exclusion from decision making.
Advice: If the situation is good, seize the opportunity to lead and negotiate. If it is bad, regroup, strengthen alliances, and find a way back inside before you lose all influence.
General Guidance
If the reading is positive, the querant should move forward boldly—doors are opening, opportunities are ahead, and you must step into your future.
If the reading is negative, you risk being left behind and being too attached to your past. Change your approach, seek a different path, or fight for your place before you are shut out completely.
Caput Draconis ʿAtaba Dākhila (عَتَبَة دَاخِلَة) inner threshold
In a medieval Arabic context, ʿAtaba Dākhila (عَتَبَة دَاخِلَة) —literally meaning “the inner threshold” or “the doorstep inside” —would likely carry connotations of entering, inclusion, and transition into an inner space . Thus, ʿAtaba Dākhila literally refers to the inner threshold of a house, palace, mosque, or other building. It denotes the space inside a structure, typically after one has crossed the outer entrance (ʿAtaba Khārija).
The inner threshold of a home or palace marks the transition from common areas to private quarters. The entrance to sacred spaces, such as an interior doorway leading to a mosque prayer hall or a saint’s tomb. Used metaphorically in urban planning to describe layers of access (e.g., moving from the public street to an inner courtyard).
Symbolic and Metaphorical Meanings:
Context | Symbolism of ʿAtaba Dākhila |
Social Hierarchy | Entering the inner circle of power, being trusted, and gaining access to decision-making. |
Love and Relationships | Emotional intimacy is being allowed into someone’s personal space or heart. |
Spirituality and Mysticism | Gaining entry into more profound mystical knowledge, a disciple is accepted by a Sufi master. |
Psychological Meaning | Inner thoughts, personal struggles, and the barrier between the conscious and subconscious. |
Politics and Authority | Having influence over internal matters, being part of an elite or secret council. |
Magic and Superstition | Crossing a ʿAtaba Dākhila could mean invoking spirits or supernatural forces within a home or temple. |
In Islamic and Sufi traditions, “crossing the inner threshold” could represent reaching a higher state of spiritual enlightenment. In a shrine visitation (ziyāra), pilgrims often cross multiple thresholds before reaching the tomb of a saint, each threshold symbolising a step deeper into the divine presence. The term could represent entering a state of divine ecstasy or love.
Some medieval Arabs believed crossing a threshold incorrectly (e.g., with the left foot first) could bring bad luck. The ʿAtaba Dākhila of a home was often associated with blessings or curses—placing charms at the threshold was a common protective practice.
In short, it could mean a physical entryway —the inner threshold of a house, palace, or sacred space. A metaphor for access —entering a privileged, protected, or hidden domain. An emotional or spiritual state —being included, welcomed, or accepted.
Meanings in a Geomancy reading
In a reading, ʿAtaba Dākhila would symbolise crossing into an inner or sacred bringing different meanings depending on the context:
Business and Wealth
Good Meaning: Gaining entry into profitable ventures, financial stability, or gaining the trust of influential businesspeople.
Bad Meaning: Becoming trapped in financial obligations, deception in trade, or false security leading to loss.
Advice: If the opportunity is positive, seize it and establish strong alliances. If it is negative, be cautious about new partnerships or hidden financial risks.
Study and Knowledge
Good Meaning: Entering a higher state of learning, initiation into more profound knowledge, being accepted by a teacher or scholarly circle.
Bad Meaning: Struggling with knowledge, false wisdom, or being deceived by misleading teachings.
Advice: If you are positive, dedicate yourself to deeper study. If you are negative, question your sources and seek true wisdom.
Happiness and Well-being
Good Meaning: Finding inner peace, emotional security, or returning home after hardship.
Bad Meaning: Isolation, emotional entrapment, or being stuck in past troubles.
Advice: If positive, embrace the warmth and comfort of your life. If harmful, avoid stagnation—sometimes leaving is necessary for growth.
Romance and Love
Good Meaning: Being welcomed into a lover’s heart, a deep emotional bond, or marriage.
Bad Meaning: Feeling trapped in a relationship, secrecy, or being deceived in love.
Advice: If you are positive, commit fully to love. If you are negative, question whether your relationship is built on truth or illusion.
Magic and Spells
Good Meaning: Gaining access to hidden knowledge, initiation into more profound mysteries, or spiritual enlightenment.
Bad Meaning: Being ensnared in forbidden magic, a spell backfiring, or unintended consequences.
Advice: If the outcome is positive, proceed with reverence and respect for the unseen. If it is harmful, protect yourself from spiritual harm and seek purification.
Politics and Power
Good Meaning: Entering the inner circle of power, being trusted by rulers, or securing influence.
Bad Meaning: Being manipulated, political entrapment, or false loyalty.
Advice: If your access is favourable, use it wisely. If it is negative, beware of deception—someone may use you for their gain.
Overall Guidance
If positive, step forward confidently —you are being welcomed into a new phase of life, power, or wisdom.
If negative, beware of illusions—what seems like security may be a trap, and what appears to be an invitation may have hidden costs.
What is the difference?
Although the two Arabic words appear similar they are very different in terms of space, access, and transition.
Core Differences
Term | Literal Meaning | Conceptual Meaning |
ʿAtaba Dākhila | The inner threshold (inside a home, palace, mosque, or sacred space) | Belonging, acceptance, deeper access, safety, secrecy, personal space |
ʿAtaba Khārija | The outer threshold (entryway before stepping inside) | Exclusion, transition, separation, waiting, being on the outskirts, exposure |
How a Medieval Arab Would Perceive the Difference between the dragons
Physical and Architectural Perspective:
- ʿAtaba Dākhila refers to the threshold inside a building, such as an inner doorway leading to private quarters.
- ʿAtaba Khārija is the outer entrance, such as a house or palace doorstep, marking the boundary between the public world and the private domain.
Social and Cultural Meaning:
- ʿAtaba Dākhila suggests inclusion and privilege—those who cross it have been invited in and granted trust.
- ʿAtaba Khārija implies waiting, rejection, or exclusion—someone left outside may be denied entry or must prove themselves before being allowed in.
Spiritual and Mystical Interpretation:
- ʿAtaba Dākhila represents inner sanctity, spiritual wisdom, or divine closeness (e.g., being inside a mosque or the private quarters of a Sufi master).
- ʿAtaba Khārija can symbolise distance from enlightenment or hesitation before committing to a spiritual path.
Personal and Emotional Symbolism:
- ʿAtaba Dākhila could mean being welcomed into someone’s trust, love, or inner thoughts.
- ʿAtaba Khārija might mean standing outside someone’s emotional boundaries, being kept at a distance, or struggling to gain acceptance.
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