There’s a common misconception in magical communities—particularly within the Golden Dawn tradition—that once you’ve ticked the […]
I was talking to the leader of a Rosicrucian tradition about how occultism is in decline. […]
Not all occult books are created equal—some offer profound esoteric wisdom, while others are misleading, poorly […]
Pick up Israel Regardie’s massive Golden Dawn tome, and you might think you’ve found the ultimate […]
Following up on this blog I want to explain what I was taught about energy projection […]
A person from different traditions using breath in meditation
Breath is a pivotal conduit between the mundane and the divine. Eastern and Golden Dawn magical […]
The Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) are a collection of ancient texts from Greco-Roman Egypt (approximately the […]
My series on the Arabic meanings of the Geomantic figures continues looking at the attributions of the […]
Today, I received two magical stones made by the French Artist Asterion Sesthis. One is for […]
In Christopher Cattan’s Geomancy book, he used the ideas of aspects to strengthen and flavour the […]